An unknown soldier
Peter Morse
An army veteran looks back on his life as he waits for a taxi that will take him to the old people’s home which will become his home.
- ISBN 9781781326572
- Published Jun 2017
- Paperback
203 x 133mm (156 pages)
A man in his mid eighties is preparing to leave his home for the last time. As he waits alone for a delayed taxi he reflects on his life, particularly his time as a British soldier on the Western Front, the Somme and Passchendaele during the Great War. This experience defined and shaped the whole of his life.
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Conceived the morning after VE Day in 1945, Peter Morse was born and educated in London. He worked for Rolls-Royce plc as a mechanical engineer for thirty-four years, becoming the internationally recognised specialised UK authority in the field of subsonic, air breathing, missile propulsion systems. Retiring before the turn of the century, and following a period of consultancy to HM Government, he now writes full time while living in a village between Bath and Bristol.
an unknown soldier is his first publication with SilverWood Books.
Read about Peter and
an unknown solider in 'The Week In'
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