Curious Things Etc
David Peak
A dark comedy set in a mildly dystopian future.
- ISBN 9781781325865
- Published Feb 2017
- Paperback
229 x 152mm (228 pages)
Who’s watching who? And why? Where does romance fit into all this?
Spend this year’s holiday in the unnerving streets of David Peak’s most recent, grimly humorous novel Curious Things Etc, where all is as it seems, but it would appear no one’s noticed.

David Peak was born in Evesham. He started writing as a young teenager. In the early eighties, he attended the University of the West of England and the University of East Anglia. His first novel,
No.4 Pickle Street, was published by Fourth Estate in 1988 to critical acclaim. His second,
The Cotoneaster Factor, came out in 1990 and then
Go Gentle in 1991, both very well received.
Curious Things Etc is his latest novel. He is now working on The Elephant Box which will be completed in 2017.
In addition to his novel writing, for over ten years Dave has collaborated with author Louise Gethin to create scripts for situation comedies and comedy dramas.
Take a look at the Curious Things Etc AI (advance information) sheet
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