Print on Demand is very flexible. It works behind the scenes, keeping your book in print and producing books to meet the specific demands of readers without you having to tie up a lot of money in print runs that you have to store and then hope to sell. Most authors order an initial print run of 60-200 books for their own personal use (which also include six for the legal deposit libraries and a small stock for our online bookshop). You can top up at any time with orders as small as one copy, ten copies, or as large as 500 copies if you need them for a big event.
Whatever your needs, POD can fulfil them. In the meantime, it works away in the background so that if someone orders a copy of your book from Wordery, Waterstones, Amazon, The Book Depository or any other retailer (with POD, your book shows worldwide listing), the order quickly tracks through the system, the book is printed and sent out to the retailer, who then delivers it to the customer. You receive payment for all copies sold, subject to any trade discounts. POD includes shipping costs into the retail chain, so there are no additional shipping costs within that transaction for you to factor into your production costs. Find out more about printing by clicking here.
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