Publishing can be profitable if you have a clear business plan and you've written a book that is likely to be in demand (non-fiction usually does well, as do local or niche interest books). Of course there are some amazing success stories (just type Rachel Abbott and EL James into any search engine). Closer to home, some SilverWood authors are cutting a dash with their achievements (prestigious awards, sales in the thousands per month, high royalty payments and national media coverage). However the reality is that most writers who publish their own work sell modestly. And selling is usually accompanied by a lot of hard work, a good promotional strategy, and a healthy dose of luck and good timing ('right book, right time’).
No one wants to make a loss, and you should work out what you can afford well in advance of dipping a toe in the waters of indie or self-funded publishing. However, there are other reasons for publishing your own book. Some of our authors talk about their reasons here.
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“If you’re thinking of self-publishing, I hope you don't go at it alone. With a team like SilverWood behind you, you have the support you need to publish the best work you believe in.”