How Deep Should I Go?

How Deep Should I Go?

Kayleigh Purser


Real massage therapists, real stories.

  • ISBN 9781800421363
  • Published Oct 2021
  • Paperback
    198 x 129mm (120 pages)


Not Available

It’s very difficult to write a collection of stories from massage therapists without including the very annoying innuendos and inappropriate behaviours of some clients.

However, it’s not all, "Do you do happy endings?” and "How much do you charge for extras?” Collecting these stories was the most incredible fun; I have never laughed so hard listening to the true stories that therapists have shared with me.

The purpose of this book is to bring a spark of joy and sense of unity to massage therapists, so we can all share a laugh about some of the hilarious things that can happen in this industry.

Every massage therapist has at least one funny, cringey or awkward story to tell.

There are the moaners and groaners.
The rudest and the crudest.
The growers, the show-ers.
The clueless, mannerless, dirtiest and flirtiest.
There are stories that will make you blush, giggle, smile or sigh.
In here, we have them all.

Welcome to the crazy world of massage therapy. Every story in this book really happened!

“If you’re thinking of self-publishing, I hope you don't go at it alone. With a team like SilverWood behind you, you have the support you need to publish the best work you believe in.”

J A Higgins