Let's Escape
This edition is out of print
Jacqueline James
Hilary, released from a life of bowing to her mother's wishes, has come out of her shell. Surprising herself and delighting her friends, she finds love and the promise of happiness.
first edition
- ISBN 9781800422070
- Published May 2022
- paperback
229 x 152mm (240 pages)
Not Available
Hilary, released from a life of bowing to her mother's wishes, has come out of her shell. Emboldened, she renovates the bungalow that she and her mother had shared. In trying to escape the resulting chaos, she ventures on a trip that would have been unthinkable while her mother was alive. Surprising herself and delighting her friends, she finds love and the promise of happiness.

Jacqueline James is a retired GP now living in Cambridge. Born in Solihull she went to Sheffield University Medical School, qualifying in 1980 and, after a stint in hospitals, became a GP and family planning doctor in 1986, first in inner city Sheffield and then in rural Cambridgeshire. She retired in 2016 after thirty-six years in medicine and in 2021 her first novel,
Rude Awakening, was published.
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