The Meadow Farm Band

The Meadow Farm Band

Teaching the Value of Inclusion

Elizabeth Price


An illustrated children's book for use as an early anti-bullying intervention at school, nursery and in the home.

  • ISBN 9781781328736
  • Published May 2019
  • Paperback
    216 x 216mm (28 pages)


Meadow Farm has a secret. Behind the scenes, some of the animals are very musical. Robbie Robin wants them to form a band, but one animal feels so left out… How can Robbie help to put things right?

This book explores how it feels to be excluded and how an onlooker can make things better. Young children learn to empathise with the story’s characters. They learn to name and describe different feelings. Do they know anyone who appears to be left out? Do they themselves ever feel left out? How can we learn from our mistakes?

The Meadow Farm Band teaches children the value of inclusion and can be used as an early anti-bullying intervention at school, nursery and in the home.

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