Trial Copy-Edit

Trial Copy-Edit

Check out the process before you buy the complete service

Undecided about whether to invest in a full manuscript copy-edit? Our trial service allows you to see the value our copy-editor will bring to your writing, so you're making an informed choice about whether to invest your budget.

  • Product code TCE1

£97.00 plus £19.40 VAT

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Trial Copy-Edit

Usually we're too close to our own work to spot errors and continuity or plot issues. A copy-editor will bring a fresh eye to the text and offer helpful suggestions for improving the flow so that your meaning is clearly communicated to readers.

SilverWood's trial copy-edit is a cost-effective way of checking out how a copy-editor works with your text, and that they're giving the kind of input and feedback you're looking for.

Send us the first 5,000 words of your manuscript, plus a one-page synopsis, and our copy-editor will work through your opening chapters on a line-by-line and word-by-word basis.

What do I get?

Our copy-editor makes sure that the first 5,000 words of your text is correct in terms of spelling, grammar and punctuation, and that it is easy to read. They'll focus on continuity, flow, rhythm, repetition and phrasing, and may make sensitive suggestions for rewording. A copy-editor also tries to prevent embarrassing errors of fact.

After copy-editing, your annotated manuscript will be returned to you so that you can review the suggested corrections and assess the additional comments the copy-editor has made. You can then make changes to improve your manuscript, before moving ahead with a full copy-edit if you wish.

Click the red basket icon at the top of the page to purchase this service.

Once we have processed your payment, we will request your manuscript and send you our detailed copy-editing and proofreading factsheet.

“If you’re thinking of self-publishing, I hope you don't go at it alone. With a team like SilverWood behind you, you have the support you need to publish the best work you believe in.”

J A Higgins