Trials of Love

Trials of Love

Dennis Loynes


Childhood sweethearts Matt and Emily are at the heart of this romance novel for young adults.

  • ISBN 9781781326350
  • Published May 2017
  • paperback
    216 x 140mm (258 pages)


Matt and Emily become best friends after he hits her at primary school. When they go to different senior schools, they part ways, but make a pact to meet up in fifteen years if they lose touch.

Navigating the twists and turns of college and university Matt and Emily find their own separate paths. They both end up in relationships – one good, one bad.

As their rendezvous draws closer, Matt is unsure about whether he should go. But he can’t get Emily’s last words, `the only reason not to turn up is if you are dead,’ out of his head.

Trials of Love is available for a range of e-readers including Kindle, Kobo and Nook.

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