Something which I thought was really powerful in The Word-Keeper was the way that it incorporated many issues from today’s world – such as the negativity of gossip magazines, not being able to take words back, and body image. I thought that this was very important to talk about in a Children’s Book, as I think that is important that everyone is aware of these issues, and how they can be prevented.
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– Hannah's Book Reviews
"Thank you so much for this amazing fantasy children’s book (for middle grade students)! It is literature at its best: a fabulous and original plot (words are disappearing because of an evil genie). It is the modern-day quest of a young girl eager to save words and books – it is also the story of weird and adorable characters (her parents are mostly interested in maths and leave her to be while they are working, going to meetings, her granddad lives in Inkwell, a magical place where a nice genie used to help writers be inspired…).
It is also a story in which everything is whimsical (the town of Inkwell, its characters, its street names, etc). A tale of bravery, of the love of words and of their importance in our daily lives. A great read for kids and their parents alike! For one, I adored it!"
– Marie-Hélène Fasquel, NetGalley
"This is a quirky but powerful first novel from Veronica Del Valle. This tells the journey of Florence and her annual trip to Inkwell. However this year holds something more. Elements of it reminded me of Alice in Wonderland: a young female protagonist set in faraway lands. That said, it has its own sparkle of originality. This is a great read for young and older readers, especially for lovers of the chosen one trope. I liked the simple but bright cover and etched illustrations inside. I wish there were more. It comes with a lot of wise insights built into the tale, the biggest being the power of words and was executed well. I give this 4*."
– Charlotte Crow, NetGalley